Mahanama College, Colombo
- The Principal
Ministry of Education / State Ministry of Education Reforms
[Deputy Director of Education (Education Reforms- Planning)]
- Developed the GIS system for Sri Lankan schools to restructure the education system
- Developed the integrated implementation plan for National Education Reforms including NIE & National Education Commission
- Developed Administrative reforms activity plan and conducted a mapping exercise with all provinces to identify school clusters, development boards and new zones and presented to the Sri Lanka parliament
- Developed an online system to analyze school clusters, boards
- Planned and Conducted an Empowering programme on Education Reforms for 1000 National school principals
- Developed and conducted a mechanism to collect public opinion on education reforms and aligned with the education reforms framework
Department of Education, Western Province
[Deputy Director of Education (Planning)]
- Planned and conducted school mapping exercise to determine core schools to be upgraded as national schools based on defined criteria
- Implemented productivity concepts in educational institutions and schools in the western province
- Planned and Conducted BPP (25 days, 60 Training Sessions, Basic Principalship Programme) for 1200 principals online
- Introduced School Development Plan that integrates AIP, Five Year Plan, and School Budget
- Introduced Integrated Planning Mechanism with Online Project Planning, Budgeting, Implementing and Monitoring System (DSIS)
Ministry of Education
[Assistant Director of Education (Secondary Schools Development and NSBS)]
- Developed the plan of the “Nearest schools is the best school” programme for the annual SLR 65B budget with the concept papers and cabinet papers
- “Sanitation First “- Programme to construct 1160 school sanitary units
- Planned and conduct Local and foreign Capacity development programmes for Principals
- Instructions and guidebooks were published, and over 1000 technological labs and faculties were established.
- Contributed to procurement process as TEC member over 25 procurement processes for TL & TF equipment and HRD programmes including foreign training
Department of Education, Eastern Province / Ministry of Education, Eastern Province / Trincomalee Zonal Education Office
[Assistnat Director of Education (Planning, Mathematics, ICT)]
- Planned and established new 2 education zones, Trincomalee North and Batticaloa West
- Trincomalee Girl's High School was planned and established as the district's first Sinhala medium high school.
- Mathematical competition (Sinhala Medium) was conducted in a fully automated
- Introduced a special capacity and confidence building programme “How to Become an Innovative Teacher”
- Planned and Conducted 4 “Deyata Kirula” exhibitions in Kandy, Buththala, Anuradhapura and Ampara respectively in 2010,2011,2012 and 2013 for the provincial Education sector of EP
- Introduced Portable Mathematics Lab Concepts For 103 Secondary Schools in EP
- Introduced “Crick2020”, a mathematics game for students to develop basic concepts in mathematics
- Conducted School Mapping exercise and established GIS including location coordination of all EP schools
ITN, Independent Television Network Ltd
[Project Assistant (Engneering)]
- Server Administration
- Installation, Monitoring & Troubleshooting of
- DNS, Mail Server, Database Server & File Server
- Proxy/ISA (Internet Security & Acceleration Server), Antivirus Server
- Network Administration
- Expansion, Monitoring & Troubleshooting of ITN & Lakhanda Computer network (over 150 terminals)
- Knowledge of using Cable testers, punch-down and crimping tools etc.
- Web Development
- Redeveloped and maintained the ITN official website in 2005, and 2006.
- Displayed Election results on the ITN website during this period.
- Computer Hardware
- Repairing and troubleshooting PCs and special type media purpose computers such as Character Generators, and Tele Prompters.
- Staff Training
- Conduct IT training sessions for Lakhanda staff
- Advertising
- Designed paper advertisements for ITN.
- Software Development
- Troubleshooting and redeveloping several modules for ITN & Lakhanda main Inventory Control Systems
- Develop several software applications such as SMS Counting Programme, ITN Electronic equipment maintaining the system, and Library Information System.
- ITN / Lakhanda Restructuring & Strategic Planning Process 2005-2009
- Assist the process by data collecting by interviewing employees analysing relevant documents and preparing final reports as presentation and document formats.
- Prepare weekly and monthly reports to the parliament via the chairman on content analysis of ITN News Telecasts and national development programmes.